Thursday, 11 September 2008


OK , so I'm playing Home school soccer and the whole team (except me obviously!) is guys. Which was actually quite funny because last week was my first time. I could tell they all thought I was gonna be bad. But I'm actually kinda good. SO... I'm playing defense, (my best position!) and I make a really good play. They all look kind of astonished and pause for a second. I almost cracked up. Then after the game I swear every single person on the team comes up to me and says good game. Kinda funny. anyway by now you must be wondering why I'm telling you this - I just wanted to demonstrate the amount of sexism in the world. all right , I'm probably boring you by now so I'll go. :)


alex said...

Way to go Morgan!! I'm glad to hear that you enjoy soccer, it's a wonderful game. I played it a lot in my youth in Glasgow, Scotland, also in defense. I still enjoy watching the game whenever I can.

Next time these guys give you any of that sexist stuff, politely remind them that the most successful soccer team in USA is the Olympic Gold Medal winning WOMEN'S Soccer Team -------- WORLD beaters!!

Good to know that you and your family are all doing well, keep it up ---- and hope to see you next time you visit Burien

Love to you all,


Anonymous said...

Good job Momo.


Morgan said...

Thanks guys! I will do that Alex - so funny. bcf - THANKS!